The first of four masterclasses took place in cooperation with New East Cuisine Cooking School in Chengdu last June 15th. 60 Chef trainees from the school were selected to participate in this exclusive event, where they learnt about EU pork, both in theory and practice.
Masterclass experts were carefully selected to provide the students with the best of knowledge in the subject, and they included renown chefs and teachers and ham carvers. The students were divided among three groups for a better learning experience, and learnt how to use EU pork from Spain and Portugal in Western style and Chinese style dishes.
They elaborated delicious dishes under the guidance of the experts, check the pictures below and the recipes section to discover delicious recipes using EU pork.

How did the masterclasses go?
To start a busy day of learning, chef students first followed a 1 hour theory class, there an EU pork expert explained the characteristics that make EU pork safe and high quality.

After the theory, chefs got hands-on
After learning about the theory and the different EU pork cuts available in the market, chefs got ready for their practice class, in which they used the key pork cuts, including loin, belly, ribs and collar, to cook different Chinese and Western style dishes.
The EU pork experts leading the practical classes taught chef students how to cut the product, and different cooking methods to enjoy the best tender flavours of EU pork.

Students also learned ham carving skills
Lastly, students enjoyed 2 hours of ham carving master class, where a professional ham carver explained the origin of the ham, the curing process, and how to carve it. Students practiced their carving skills to obtain the thin, delicious slices of this EU culinary treasure.